June 27-July 15, 2018. My play Stranger in a Stranger Land is being produced as part of Nylon Fusion’s “Best of This Round’s On Us” at Medicine Theatre, NYC. $20-$30.
January 9, 2017. My new play Lotus in the Fire is receiving a one-night staged reading at the San Francisco Playhouse. Mon, 7pm. SF Playhouse, SF. Free.
Dec 3-4, 2016. My one-minute plays Escalate It and Divided We Stand are being produced as part of Playwrights Foundation’s Flash Play festival. Sat, 8pm. Sun, 5pm. Brava Theater Center, SF. $18 in advance.
June 3-4, 2016. My plays I [Love] You and This Will Only Hurt For a Minute are being produced as part of Nylon Fusion Theatre’s festival This Round’s On Us. Fri-Sat, 7pm and 9pm shows (one of my plays in each show). Tada Theatre, NYC.
June 2-19, 2016. My play Ophy’s Apothecary is being produced as part of the Best of Playground festival. Thu-Sat, 8pm. Sun 7pm. Thick House, SF.
April 11, 2016. I received Playground’s June Anne Baker Prize for excellence in political and comedic writing. Berkeley Rep.
April 7-10, 2016. My play I [Love] You is part of the Origin of Love festival. A girlfriend’s revealed secret brings up questions of love, acceptance, and human consciousness. 8pm, $10. University of San Francisco.
March 21, 2016. My play Ophy’s Apothecary is being staged as part of the Monday night Playground series. A young woman seeks relationship advice from a professional and gets a lot more than she bargained for. 8pm, $15. Berkeley Rep.
February 15, 2016. My play This Will Only Hurt For a Minute is being staged as part of the Monday night Playground series. The future of medicine is here, and it doesn’t look good. 8pm, $15. Berkeley Rep.
January 18, 2016. My play Now is the Time is being staged as part of the Monday night Playground series. A silly 1960s communal house meeting turns into a heated discussion about race and privilege. 8pm, $15. Berkeley Rep.
December 6-7, 2015. My flash plays Rent-Controlled and High and Dry are being staged as part of Bay Area Playwright’s Foundation Flash Play Festival. 8pm, Brava Theater. San Francisco.
March 12-13, 2015. My play Poetic License is being staged as part of Ohlone College Playwrights Festival. 8pm. Smith Center at Ohlone College.
December 15, 2014. My play Leave It On the Tree is being staged as part of the Monday night Playground series. A woman wants to get on with her life but is tormented by a ghost from her past. 8pm $15. Berkeley Rep.
December 15-16, 2014. My one-minute play Reason to Wait is being staged as part of Bay Area Playwright’s Foundation One-Minute Play Festival. 8pm, Brava Theater. San Francisco.
October 9-10, 2014. My play Stranger in a Stranger Land is receiving a production in Texas as part of Zero Untitled’s New Foundations Theatre Festival. Texas A&M.
July 11-12, 2014. My play Stranger in a Stranger Land is receiving a full production in NYC as part of Nylon Fusion’s one-act festival This Round’s on Us. 9pm. Gloria Maddox Theater, Manhattan.
May 17, 2014. Reading a poem called What I Know About Leaving at the last installation of the Bang Out SF literary series. Topic: Departures. 7:30-9:30pm. Makeout Room. San Francisco.
March 8-25, 2014. My play Stranger in a Stranger Land is part of the festival Best of Playground. A New York City transplant’s search for love in San Francisco will break her own heart, unless she wises up. $10-$40. Thick House, San Francisco.
March 17, 2014. My play Poetic License is being staged as part of the Monday night Playground series. All the world’s a stage, especially for a young rugby player trying to remember the lines to one of Shakespeare’s most famous monologues. 8pm $15. Berkeley Rep.
February 26, 2014. Check out my cover story in the San Francisco Bay Guardian, The Beautiful Path to Now–a feature story about the Art of Transformation, a major yoga exhibit at the Asian Art Museum.
January 13, 2014. My play Stranger in a Stranger Land is being staged as part of the Monday night Playground series. It’s a comedy about … dating. 8pm $15. Berkeley Rep.
January 11 and 12, 2014. My play Only Forever is part of a festival of works called “Inspired by O’Neill,” produced by the Eugene O’Neill Foundation. Jan. 11, 8pm and Jan. 12, 2pm. $20. Museum of the San Ramon Valley.
November 5, 2013. Participating in Portuguese Artist’s Colony live writing event. Expect a mess of words written in 10 minutes under tremendous duress and while a ruckus band plays. 5pm. $5. Makeout Room in San Francisco.
October 18, 2013. Reading a prose piece at Litquake inspired by the Smurfs, gender confusion, littleness, and mushrooms. Cartoon Art Museum. 7pm. $5 suggested donation.
May 18, 2013. Reading a prose piece called Bridging inspired by the Brooklyn Bridge of my youth at the Bang Out SF literary series. Topic: Bridges and Tunnels. 7:30-9:30pm. Makeout Room in San Francisco.
March 30, 2013. Opening night of an art-and-text collaboration in the exhibit, Pretty Impossible, at The San Francisco Playhouse. Displayed in the theater lobby until May 11th.
March 10, 2013. An evening of my one-act plays: More Like Messy, Only Forever, Saving Butterflies. Part of the Women’s History Month reading series. 7:30pm. San Francisco Playhouse.
February 25, 2013. Staged reading of my short play The Night Dances as part of Playground’s Monday night playlab. 8pm. Berkeley Rep.
February 14, 2013. My play Pink Roses is part of Shotz, a 5-minute play festival. 8pm. Actors Theatre, SF.
December 11, 2012. My play Unfinished Business is part of Shotz, a 5-minute play festival. 8pm. Actors Theatre, SF.
October 1, 2012. My play Doctor Is In is part of Shotz, a 5-minute play festival. 8pm. Actors Theatre, SF.
May 19, 2012. Reading a prose piece called The List in the Bang Out SF literary series. Topic: French Kissing. 7:30-9:30pm. Makeout Room in San Francisco.